In this episode, we review the Emanuel documentary, which covers the history of the black church in Charleston leading up to the church shooting in 2015 by Dylan Roof that killed nine congregants, including the pastor. The movie’s primary emphasis is on the expressions of forgiveness by family members toward Dylan Roof, less than 48 hours after he committed that heinous act.
Co-hosts Mark Bauer and Branden Polk explore the idea of forgiveness and who it is for, and why forgiveness doesn’t need to be preceded by repentance for it to be impactful, right and meaningful.
We also dovetail into discussions about the contrast between how white offenders are handled by police during arrests, versus how we commonly see black subjects taken into custody. A recent police shooting of Pamela Turner in Baytown, Texas that was caught on camera illustrates this point.
We also reflect on some points that were raised in a post-screening discussion that Branden and Mark facilitated following a viewing of the film, during which Branden asked attendees for three things black people wished white people would understand about the racial justice conversation, and three things white people wished black people would understand about their perspective on the racial justice conversation.
At the end of this episode, we hope you feel compelled to check out the Emanuel documentary in theaters during a limited run June 17 and 19. Let us know your thoughts by following us on social below!
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Behind the Seen: @behindtheseenpod
Mark Bauer: @BarkMauer
Branden Polk: @BrandenPolk
*The views expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and do not reflect that of their employer
Your Hypocrite generation sold me out over a racist rat with ties to more Hypocrites .
I got falsely imprisoned in Texas. Due to my uncles false police reports and ties to suspicious authorties in Harris County Texas that undertook prosecution in bad faith with out the hope of obtaining a valid conviction they sold abusive radical Muslims the title of victims. Jurisdiction defects and my court appointed got disbarred. I tell the retired Harris County judge after 18 months in jail that I plea guilty because I’m in fear for my life after his dumb prejeduce racist self approached me at one of the attorneys windows saying “I’m the judge this is the deal take it or leave it” I didn’t give a fuck so hoes got offended” literally that’s the truth . FISK Yeneza and your ant are some major hypocrites . I’m Jewish I do not believe that all sins are equal when u see Fisk flick that hoe off for me lol