So often we talk about physical features in our preferences for a potential partner. A lot of those can have racial undertones that are, frankly, a little racist. But there’s a lot that we can learn about ourselves and the healthiest way to approach dating when we aren’t caught up in appearances. In a freewheeling conversation about dating, singer/songwriter/producer Todrick Hall joins Behind the Seen to discuss our racial “preferences,” how we acquire those preferences in the first place, and why we are OK completely disregarding a different group of people as potential partners based on such inconsequential factors as race.
For more on the breakdown of numbers by Nathalie Reshard looking for a straight black man with multiple degrees, who is a high performing athlete and who has never been to prison, visit her blog post here.
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*The views expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and do not reflect that of their employer
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